Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Plant Pots Technology

We have been hard at work creating beautiful pots for our plants. After bringing in recycled materials from home like plastic bottles, toilet rolls and tin cans, we set to work bring our pot designs to life!

Miss Parker helped us to put holes in the bottom of our bottles and cans so that when we water our plants, the water can drain out through these holes. We learnt that if there is too much water in the soil, the plant will not get enough air and it will die. This is why it is important to have drainage holes.

Some of us have made hanging pots. Because we have designed indoor pots, we needed to find another way to drain our soil because the water will just drip on to the floor if we put holes in them.

We learnt that putting a layer of small stones at the bottom of the pot will allow water to drain out of the soil.

Then we began repotting some of our little gardens into our own pots!


A huge thank you to Mrs Gaskin for all your help with decorating our pots!

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