Friday, October 28, 2016

Descriptive Writing and a Quiz for you!

We have been learning about using details in our writing to make it more interesting to read. Details help the person reading our story to picture what we are writing about in their heads.

Last week Miss Parker read a description of a monster that she had drawn to us. As she read the description, we all drew what we thought the monster looked liked. We had to listen carefully to the details so we knew what to draw and what colours to use. After we had drawn these, Miss Parker showed us her monster picture and we saw how close we were.

Wow! We were pretty close! We discussed how we were able to draw a monster that looked close to Miss Parker's because we listened to the details in the writing.

Next, we drew our own monsters. We were challenged to write about them as descriptively as we could.

Here is a link to a quiz so you can match our writing to our monsters:


  1. Hello Miss Parker and the children of Rata Whitu, I love your monster work ... what a fun idea for writing! Great stuff xxx

  2. I loved the quiz too!
